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What should a brand consider if determining between an athlete influencer vs a standard influencer?

July 9, 2024
When determining between an athlete influencer and a standard influencer, brands should consider several key factors:

1. Engagement Rates: Athlete influencers typically outperform standard influencers in terms of engagement. On average, athletes have an engagement rate of 3.9% on Instagram, compared to 1.8% for standard influencers[1]. This higher engagement can lead to more effective campaigns.

2. Authenticity and Trust: Athletes often have a built-in trust factor with their audience due to their achievements and dedication to their sport. This can lend more credibility to brand endorsements compared to standard influencers[1].

3. Audience Demographics: Athlete influencers often have a strong following among alumni, current students, and local communities, especially for college athletes. This creates a unique, dedicated audience that may differ from standard influencers' broader fan bases[2].

4. Brand Alignment: Consider how well the athlete's personal brand and values align with your company's. Athletes often bring a professional and "serious" ethos to their personal brands, which can strengthen credibility for certain products or services[2].

5. Content Creation Capabilities: While athletes may be active on social media, they might not have the same content creation skills as professional influencers. Brands need to consider their content needs and how well an athlete can meet them[2].

6. Scheduling and Availability: Athletes, especially those in college or actively competing, may have more rigid schedules due to training and competitions. This can impact content creation timelines and availability for brand activities[2].

7. Mainstream Media Resonance: Unlike many standard influencers, athletes often have strong resonance in mainstream media. This allows brands to tell more comprehensive stories and integrate partnerships through various touchpoints[2].

8. Niche Appeal: Athletes can offer niche appeal within specific sports or interests, allowing brands to target highly engaged audiences interested in particular activities or lifestyles[1].

9. Long-Term Potential: Consider the potential for long-term partnerships. Athletes' careers can span many years, offering opportunities for sustained brand relationships and storytelling.

10. Risk Factors: Athletes can be more susceptible to performance-related controversies or injuries that might affect their public image. Brands should consider potential risks and have contingency plans[2].

11. Cost: While costs can vary widely for both types of influencers, top athletes may command higher fees due to their unique status and mainstream appeal.

12. Campaign Objectives: Consider whether your campaign goals align better with an athlete's strengths (e.g., showcasing performance, endurance, or competitive spirit) or a standard influencer's capabilities (e.g., lifestyle content, product demonstrations).

By carefully weighing these factors, brands can make informed decisions about whether an athlete influencer or a standard influencer is more suitable for their specific marketing objectives and target audience.

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